“But ye “SHALL” receive POWER, after that the HOLY SPIRIT is upon YOU.” (Acts 1:8) TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, make JESUS the Lord over your life. He wants to pour out His Spirit on YOU. He want to flood YOUR LIFE with HIS LIFE and POWER. YES, it is God’s “WILL” that YOU experience the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT. (Ephesians 5:18) “Be not drunk with wine , wherein is excess , but be filled with the Spirit . When YOU make JESUS the Lord over YOUR LIFE, YOU become a NEW CREATURE and JESUS wants to reveal to YOU the exact knowledge of God from the heart of the Father . A BELIEVER will not understand , by his own spirit alone, the profound wisdom of God. JESUS SAID! In (John 14:26) that the Father “WILL” send us the Comforter to teach YOU “ALL THINGS.” RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT and RECEIVE the ability of God. The word POWER means “ABILITY” and “MIGHT” (Acts 1:8) YES, it’s through the energizing force of the HOLY SPIRIT living in YOU that YOU “WILL” be transformed into HIS effective witness. TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, RECEIVE, the Baptism-of the HOLY SPIRIT ! God is faithful , ask in faith. say, “my HEAVENLY FATHER, I am a BELIEVER , I am your child and YOU are my FATHER. JESUS is my LORD. I BELIEVE with ALL of my heart that your Word is truth. And Your Word says, that if I ask , I “WILL” RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST my LORD , I am asking You to fill me with the HOLY SPIRIT YOUR PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT to OVERFLOWING. Because of Your Word , I BELIEVE that I NOW RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT and I THANK YOU for Him. I BELIEVE that the HOLY SPIRIT is within me and by FAITH I “WILL” accept Him. HOLY SPIRIT, rise up within me as I PRAISE my God. I “WILL” fully expect to SPEAK with other tongues as YOU GIVE me UTTERANCE , just like YOUR WORD SAYS. NOW, let the HOLY SPIRIT RISE UP WITHIN YOU as YOU begin to SPEAK in other tongues. JUST LIKE HE SAID YOU WOULD! “I have the HOLY SPIRIT in me, Therefore I have His Power!” (Acts 1:8) NOW, YOU BE BOLD like PETER and YOU GO OUT into the world, baptizing in the Name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit . NOW, YOU have His Power and YOU MUST DO IT! Love You
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