“”To whom ye forgive any thing , I forgive also: for if I forgive any thing to whom I forgave it , for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; Lest Satan should get an advantage of US: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” (2 Corinthians 2:10-11). What is the TRUE SECRET of OUR SUCCESS? I “WILL” walk in LOVE! WE MUST STOP BUYING the devils lies , the devil is a solicitor and what he sells are the enemies of love. He sells envy and jealousy and “Jealousy is the rage of a man” (Proverbs 6:34) And Pride (1 Corinthians 13) is an enemy of love. He sells bitterness, resentment And unforgiveness. Examine your heart. Listen to your mouth are you buying what the devil is selling or are you walking in love? LOVE is the SECRET to your success . TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, STOP being ignorant to satan’s devices, STOP, buying what he is selling and be determined to walk in love , the real secret to your success. REFUSE to allow him to take advantage of you. PLEASE , follow these instructions! OUR GOD is a God of deliverance, a God of POWER. He is ALWAYS near US if WE “WILL” only BELIEVE. He “WILL” anoint YOU with fresh oil and make YOUR CUP RUN OVER (Psalms 23:5) JESUS is the “balm in Gilead” (Jeremiah 8:22) the “rose of Sharon” (Song 2:11) “Though He may slay US , yet “WILL” WE TRUST HIM” (Job 13:15) The hand of God “WILL” be on US and the clay is FRESH in the POTTER’S HANDS. YES, that’s when our vessel “WILL” be made PERFECT (OBEDIENT) and WE “WILL” be pliable in God’s hands. He “WILL” mold US anew and change our vision. He “WILL” remove ALL difficulties. TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, the Lord of Hosts is here, waiting for US to walk in LOVE. Waiting for US to answer His question “_______, do YOU LOVE ME more than these.” PLEASE, let the Spirit of the Lord get PERFECT (OBEDIENT) control of YOU and begin to be changed by the expression of God’s Light in YOUR HUMAN FRAME. Let the fullness of JESUS’ LIFE manifest in YOU until God so has YOU in the palm of His hands and that YOU BELIEVE ALL things are possible with God. REMEMBER this, God never lets the chastening rod fall upon any thing except what is marring His VESSEL! God “WILL” ALWAYS deliver YOU when YOU CHOOSE to WALK IN LOVE and STOP buying what the devil is selling. Love ❤️ You
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