“And The Lord Said unto Moses, Is the Lord’s hand waxed short?” (Numbers 11:23). STOP BELIEVING for God to do only what is reasonable in your intellect and start BELIEVING HIS PROMISES . STOP BELIEVING and being content for your monthly house payment and START BELIEVING GOD for the money to pay off your entire mortgage! Moses didn’t know how God was going to bring in enough meat to feed several million Israelites and the Lord said to Moses “Is the Lord’s hand waxed short?” God is ABLE and He “WILL” do what He said , and what did He do? He rained so much quail out of heaven , that the Israelites got sick of it—-God is ABLE ! TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, in your life , what do you need that seems impossible to meet ? Think about what the Lord said. AND GOD SAID! “Is the Lord’s hand waxed short?” Think about God raining quail from heaven for several millions of Israelites . The Lord’s Hand was not waxed short then and it’s not waxed short today. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and FOREVER. GOD IS ABLE and GOD KNOWS HOW TO GET THE JOB DONE! God is YOUR source , ALWAYS HAS BEEN and ALWAYS “WILL” be and ALWAYS IS FOREVER! Our part is to BELIEVE GOD and ALL of HIS PROMISES to US and WE MUST BECOME EXPECTANT, BECOME MIRACLE MINDED, BECOME MORE THAN ENOUGH MINDED, BECOME SUPERnatural-increase minded….BECOME GOD MINDED. WE MUST STOP worrying and STOP being fearful And start focusing on YOUR-PART. WE MUST SPEAK GOD’S WORD, BELIEVE GOD’S WORD, THEN ACT on what GOD SAID , by WALKING in God’s Way’s and EXPECT GOD TO DO WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO. STOP LIMITING GOD, just because YOU don’t know how He is going to get the job done. STOP, letting your natural understanding get in your way. WE MUST UNDERSTAND that God is God and He has ALL POWER. He is ABLE to do EXCEEDING, ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL we can ASK, THINK or even IMAGINE. If YOU can think it God is ABLE to do MORE. If YOU dream it God is ABLE to do MORE than that. What are you hoping for? GOD IS ABLE to do more and He “WILL” . YOUR part is to SPEAK His promises , BELIEVE His promises , then ACT on His promises by EXPECTING His promises to MANIFEST. GOD IS ABLE! And He “WILL” meet YOUR NEEDS and He “WILL” give YOU MORE so that YOU “WILL” have plenty to GIVE TO OTHERS! GOD IS ABLE! GOD IS A GOOD GOD! And GOD IS IN THE BUSINESS OF GIVING. NOW, WE ARE HIS BORN-AGAIN BELOVED BELIEVERS, HIS CHILDREN , therefore JESUS IS OUR EXAMPLE . AND JESUS SAID, “I only SAY what My Father SAYS and I only DO what My Father DOES. GOD IS ABLE! GOD IS A GIVER! and as His children WE MUST BE GIVERS. Are YOU getting this? In God’s economy GIVING equals RECEIVING ! “The Lord’s hand is not waxed short”. Whatever YOU need God IS ABLE! And TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, HE is the Lord Who HEALS YOU! STOP letting the enemy take advantage over you . HOW? STOP turning away from any part of God’s TRUTH . SPEAK His PROMISES out-loud, BELIEVE His PROMISES, ACT on His PROMISES by EXPECTING His PROMISES to MANIFEST in your life. The “Lord’s hand is not waxed short”. It wasn’t for Moses and the Israelites and it’s not waxed short for YOU! Love ❤️ You
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