“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER , and of LOVE , and of a SOUND MIND.” (2 Timothy 1:7) The Israelites came out of Egypt , where they had seen and experienced the marvelous display of God’s Miraculous POWER. What happened to them as they faced the Red Sea with the Egyptian army at their backs ? They forgot all about what God had miraculously done and they turned on Moses and said to him , “Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that thou hast taken us away to die in the wilderness?” (Exodus 14:11) What happened? Self-Preservation and Overwhelming with fear they became traitors . And it’s no different TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE! We have chosen to stop walking with God and are beginning to see ourselves as just people —- not people with whom God and His Miraculous Power dwells but just people. What is happening to US? We have allowed the devil to move into our homes our culture and we have STOPPED BELIEVING the PROMISES of GOD. We have STOPPED marching toward VICTORY over sickness, sin and lack. We have forgotten who we are and WHOSE WE ARE. We have STOPPED TRUSTING the SUPERnatural MIRACULOUS POWER of God to pull US through. We are walking in the fear of the devil and have STOPPED walking in the RESPECT of GOD . We have been walking in the fear of the devil and our spiritual ears and eyes are not open. We have been listening to the devil and have STOPPED OBEYING GOD. WE MUST RENEW OUR MINDS ! WE MUST THINK AND ACT with our RENEWED MINDS of CHRIST . WE MUST COME to a place where we know that we know that we know and rest our THOUGHTS and our ACTIONS on what GOD SAID and TRUST GOD and STOP allowing the devil to run and ruin our lives. WE MUST STOP allowing the devil to threaten US. WE MUST come to a place where we are TRUSTING GOD and are not bowing to the threats of the devil . STARTING , TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE , BELIEVE GOD’S WORD and SPEAK IT OUT LOUD to your problems and watch your FAITH TEMPERATURE RISE. “God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and of a love SOUND MIND. “ “it is written”. AND GOD SAID! Put your LIFE PRECIOUS FAITH to work. Whatever YOUR estimation is of YOUR ABILITY, or YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, YOU are no better than YOUR FAITH. And “FAITH comes by HEARING , and HEARING by the WORD of GOD .” (Romans 10:17) Read , Study and Meditate (2 Peter 1:1-2) and receive the RIGHT PERSPECTIVE. Love ❤️ You
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