“For ye have need of PATIENCE, that after ye have done the “WILL” of God (OBEDIENCE) , ye might RECEIVE the PROMISE.” (Hebrews 10:36) PATIENCE ! Developing your PATIENCE a little at a time “WILL” build a foundation for you to STAND on when major trials come. WE MUST “Let PATIENCE have her perfect (obedient) work, that YOU may be PERFECT “OBEDIENT” and entire , wanting nothing.” (James 1:4) PERFECT “OBEDIENT” PATIENCE , is tied directly to YOU wanting nothing. Gods PROMISE and YOU receiving His PROMISE (Hebrews 10:36) is directly tied to YOUR PATIENCE YOUR PERFECT “OBEDIENCE” wanting nothing (James 1:4) What a POWERFUL PROMISE for PATIENCE “wanting nothing” ONLY BELIEVE ! This is TRUTH ! “Do not be afraid, only BELIEVE” (Mark 5:36) ALL of God’s PROMISES are “YES and AMEN “ to Those Who BELIEVE.” (2 Corinthians 1:20) PATIENCE, OBEDIENCE, BELIEVING are ALL tied together for the results to be “WANTING NOTHING!”YES, YES, YES, that’s God’s PROMISE to US , to YOU, to me! TODAY, RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, PLEASE look at the whole picture is “WANTING NOTHING” something YOUR hearts desires? THINK ABOUT IT ! PATIENCE, OBEDIENCE, and BELIEVING GOD LOOK mighty simple compared to the end results . “WANTING NOTHING!” “It is written” AND GOD SAID! Love ❤️ You
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