“I SOUGHT the LORD , and HE HEARD me, and DELIVERED me from ALL my fears.” (Psalm 34:4). YOU , will never figure out the counsel of the Lord with your natural mind . Are YOU , a Born-again BELOVED BELIEVER? Then, YOU have the MIND of CHRIST. And the counsel of the LORD YOU MUST SEEK. The counsel that God gives you may seem foolish to your natural mind . Please set your natural mind aside and follow the instructions (the promptings) that the HOLY SPIRIT reveals to your spiritual mind, “the mind of CHRIST”. His wise counsel may sound foolish and WE MUST come to a place of FAITH where WE SAY, “God I know and realize that YOU’RE Much smarter than I am, so I “WILL” DO YOUR “WILL” and follow YOUR INSTRUCTIONS. Remember this, God “WILL NOT” interrupt your life with HIS WISDOM. GOD “WILL” wait on you to turn to HIM . YOU MUST DO as (Psalm 34:4) says: “I sought the Lord and HE HEARD me , and HE delivered me from ALL my fears.” THE COUNSEL of the LORD is the COUNSEL YOU MUST SEEK. God wants YOU to be BLESSED so that YOU “WILL” be a BLESSING! HUMILITY and COMPASSION comes from an inward HOLY FLAME kindled by God. This MUST BE OUR PLACE in order for US to be raised higher and higher and higher. JESUS CHRIST our HOPE our “blueprint” Love ❤️ You
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One thought on “THE COUNSEL OF THE LORD!

  1. Good morning precious child of God: HUMILITY and COMPASSION, the COUNSEL of the LORD! I love you unconditionally and I always WILL FOREVER! 🦅💪💜
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